Behavioral aspects of the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saund.) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) and Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) field strain against some pesticides
Emacte, Biover, Nomolt, P. gossypiella, C. carneaAbstract
The results of our study indicate the susceptibility of P. gossypiella adults to the three tested compounds including one IGR (Nomolt) and two bioinsecticides (Emacte, and Biover) with higher efficiency to the IGR than the other two bioinsecticides. The selected insecticides exhibited low to moderate toxicity to treated adults while inducing a high reduction in females’ fecundity and hatchability precents. Results proved the impact of insecticides on the longevity of the exposed stage in addition to the latent effect on subsequent developmental stages. Treating adults of P. gossypiella with tested compounds fluctuates the incubation periods of eggs, and increases the duration of resulting immature stages and the total life cycle. Feeding Chrysoperla carnea on larvae of P. gossypiella previously treated as adults resulted in prolonged immature stages and egg incubation periods. Consequently, the total life cycle of the subsequent generation was significantly longer compared to the control group. Additionally, Emacte, Biover, and Nomolt decreased the percentages of pupation and adult emergence, causing malformation percentages with higher efficiency to the IGR compound (Nomolt) than the other two bioinsecticides.
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