Sustainable management of ladybird beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and future effect of climate change
Agroecological, beetles, conventional, drought, temperatureAbstract
Objective: The study in management of ladybird beetles and effect of future climate change have not been carried out in Chitwan district. Thus, an experiment leading to understanding the sustainable management of ladybird beetle (seven-spotted) Coccinella septempunctata (Coccinelidae: Coleoptera) and consequences of future changing climate was conducted.
Methods: The study was conducted in split plot design at Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal during the period of November 2014 to March 2015. Four plots with each two conventional (with systematic inputs including spray of insecticide or abamectin) and agroecological (without any inputs and insecticide spray) prepared to determine effect in population of ladybird beetle C. septempunctata (Coccinelidae: Coleoptera), while other two with each prepared to determine the interrelationship of drought stress on population of ladybird beetle. Laboratory study was carried out to understand the effect of variable temperature in effectiveness of ladybird (C. septempunctata) mass over aphid population. Mustard crop was selected for the study.
Results: The average numbers of ladybird beetles were maximum in agroecological plots in comparison with conventional plots. In irrigated plots the population of ladybird beetles were more than that of dry or drought plot sites. At 14-230c the peak numbers of aphids consumed by an individual ladybird beetle in a day was 50, and after the maximum temperature gradually the consumption frequency of beetles decreased.
Conclusion: Therefore, an agroecological farming system was found to be an appropriate and sustainable option for the management of ladybird beetles with negative consequences of future climate change (both increased temperature and drought conditions) in the population of ladybird beetles in the district.
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