The impact of chloroquine-induced autophagy inhibition on the metabolic processes of the fat body in Bombyx mori during larval-pupal metamorphosis
Autophagy, Bombyx mori, Chloroquine, Fat bodyAbstract
The fat body of insects is integral to various metabolic processes, including nutrient transformation, energy storage, and the synthesis of hemolymph proteins. This organ also stores carbohydrates primarily in the form of glycogen and mobilizes them as trehalose, while triglycerides serve as a significant energy reserve. Trophocytes, the principal cells of the fat body, are responsible for its metabolic functions and undergo considerable remodeling during the larval-pupal metamorphosis. Autophagy, particularly macroautophagy, is essential for cellular homeostasis, and any disruption in this process can result in metabolic disorders. In insects, especially during metamorphosis, autophagy is critical for the remodeling of the fat body; however, its effects on fat body metabolism have not been thoroughly investigated. This study aimed to explore the role of autophagy in the metabolic functions of the silkworm, Bombyx mori fat body during larval-pupal metamorphosis, using chloroquine as an autophagy inhibitor. Our findings elucidate the impact of chloroquine treatment on key components of the fat body and provide insights into the role of autophagy in regulating fat body metabolism.
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