Taxonomic Redescription of genus Thriptera Solier, 1836 (Coleoptera: Pimelliinae, Tenebrionidae) in Egypt


  • El-Shewy Dalia A Insect Classification and Survey Department, Plant Protection Researches Institute, Agriculture Researches Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt


Thriptera Pimelliinae, Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera, Egypt


This study was planned to identify, redescription and determine the recent taxonomic status of genus Thriptera Solier in Egypt. The gathered information indicated that genus Thriptera is represented in Egypt by 4 species. Their diagnostic characters, illustrated habits of adults and illustration of male genetalia were given.


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How to Cite

E.-S. . Dalia A, “Taxonomic Redescription of genus Thriptera Solier, 1836 (Coleoptera: Pimelliinae, Tenebrionidae) in Egypt”, J. Appl. Entomol., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 06–11, Apr. 2024.


