Ecological parameters affecting density of some insect pests and associated predators on Phaseolus vulgaris plants
kidney bean, fields, polesta cultivarAbstract
This investigation was carried out to evaluate the population dynamics of Aphis craccivora and Ophiomyia phaseoli on common bean Phaseolus vulgaris with regard to their natural enemies at Giza Governorate, Egypt. A. craccivora and O. phaseoli were two economic pests on the main crops in the agricultural fields of El- Mansuryia, village- Giza Governorate.
The findings showed that during two seasons (2020/21 and 2021/22), 6 insect pests belonging to 5 families under 4 orders and 2predators were surveyed. They were; Aphis craccivora, Order: Hemiptera: Aphididae, Ophiomyia phaseoli, Order: Diptera: Agromyzidae, Thrips tabaci, Order: Thysanoptera: Thripidae, Bemisia tabaci, Order: Diptera: Aleyrodidae, Melanogromyza phaseoli Order: Diptera: Agromyzidae as insect pests and Spodoptera litoralis, Order:Lepidoptera: Noctuidae, as insect visitors. However, Coccinella undecimpunctata Order: Coleoptera: Coccinellidae and Chrysoperla carnea Order: Neuroptera: Chrysopidae as a predator. The effect of daily max., Temp., daily min. Temp., and rang R.H%, plant age and other ecological parameters on population fluctuation of A. craccivora and O. phaseoli were tested. These two pests A.craccivora and O. phaseoli had three peaks during 1st and 2nd seasons. The mean numbers of tested insect pests were higher during second season than the first season. The first appearance of A. craccivora and O. phaseoli was at the 4th week of December, late January and 1st March in two successive years, these insects are dangerous insect pests in common bean plants fields. The combination effect of climatic factors, plant age and natural enemies on A. craccivora and O.phaseoli population fluctuation was presented as explained variance which was 81 and 89% of A. craccivora and 83 and 73% of O. phaseoli in the first and second seasons, respectively.
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