Diversity and distribution of ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) at Bogadi village, Mysuru, Karnataka


  • K. S. Raghunandan Guest Faculty, Postgraduate Department of Applied Zoology, Maharani’s Science College for Women, Autonomous, JLB Road, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
  • Anusha N M.Sc. Student, Postgraduate Department of Applied Zoology, Maharani’s Science College for Women, Autonomous, JLB Road, Mysuru, Karnataka, India
  • K. S. Prasanna Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Government Science First Grade College, Autonomous, Hassan, Karnataka, India


Ants are considered as one of the most diverse, abundant and ecologically significant organisms on earth. The present study deals with the diversity and distribution of ant species in and around Bogadi Village, Mysuru. Observation on ant species was carried out from 6 to 9 AM and 4 to 6 PM by following All Out Search Method (AOSM) during June to August, 2023. Results revealed that a total of 16 ant species were distributed at the study area, among them Pheidole meghacephala was the most dominant. These ant species belonging to 4 Subfamiles Myrmicinae (with 7 species), Formicinae (6 species), Pseudomyrmicinae (2 species) and Dolichoderinae (1 species). Among the subfamilies Myrmicinae was the most abundant with 5 genera and 7 species. However, the ant species diversity varied significantly at the three study sites. The effect on the habitat and resources available for ants may lead to variation in their diversity and distribution. Thus, this pioneer study may suggest information of ant species availability at the study area and deserves further in depth studies which is important from Biodiversity conservation perspective.


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How to Cite

K S Raghunandan, A. N, and K S Prasanna, “Diversity and distribution of ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) at Bogadi village, Mysuru, Karnataka”, J. Appl. Entomol., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 01–05, Oct. 2023.


