Evaluation of the role of cockroaches as a vector of medical important parasites carried in Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria
cockroaches, Blattella germanica, medical importance, parasites, Periplaneta americanaAbstract
The study was carried out in Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria. It involved the trapping and examination of cockroaches from different locations (Jakura, Lokongoma, Adankolo, Felele and Zango) to isolate and identify parasites on adult and nymph and also to assess the possible role of cockroaches in the dissemination of infectious parasites. A total of 150 cockroaches were collected from the different site where 99 (66%) were identified as Periplaneta americana and 51 (34%) as Blattella germanica. The result showed significant difference (P<0.05) among the species of cockroaches in the study area with Periplaneta americana proved to be the most common cockroaches found in the study. Out of 150 cockroaches 102 (68%) are infected with one or more parasites of medical importance. Parasites that were isolated and identified during the course of this study include Entamoeba coli, Ascaris lumbricoides, Stronglyloides stercoralis, Enterobius vermicularis, Moniliformes dubius, Trichuiris trichura. The Strongyloides stercoralis 37(24.67%) proved to be the most prevalent specie that is associated with cockroaches in the study area, followed by Ascaris lumbricoides 33(22%) and Moniliformes dubius. This study has shown that cockroaches represent and important reservoir of important parasites of public health concern. It also highlighted cockroaches as the potential mechanical vectors of ova and cysts which they pick up dustbin toilet and any other form unhygienic place. For this reason control of cockroaches is eminent.
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