The effect of extract gel of pandan wangi leaves on level of CD34 post-gingival incision
incision gingiva, wound healing, CD34, pandan wangi leavesAbstract
An incision is a common procedure applied in dentistry. Incision leads to blood vessel damage in tissue, followed by wound healing process. Wound healing requires angiogenesis process in order to distribute nutrients to the tissues. One of the angiogenesis molecule markers is Cluster of differentiation 34 (CD34). CD34 is an antigen used as an indication of the new blood vessel growth by endothelial cells. Pandan Wangi leaves have antioxidant compounds that stimulates angiogenesis process and therefore accelerate formation of blood vessels. The purposes of this study were to determine the effect of Pandan Wangi leaves extract gel in various concentration (12.5%, 25%, and 50%) on CD34 levels in the wound healing process post-gingival wound incision of wistar rats. The study was experimental laboratory with posttest-only control group design, using 30 male rats Rattus Norvegicus wistar strain that separated into 5 groups, healthy control group (K0), negative control group (K1), treatment groups of 12,5% gel extract concentration (P1), 25% (P2), and 50% (P3). In each group, peripheral serum blood samples were taken on day seven to examine the CD34 levels using ELISA method. The results showed that there were significant differences among the treatment groups (p<0.05). Post-Hoc analysis showed significant differences between treatment group 2 and 3 and negative control group (p<0.05). However, there was no significant differences between treatment group 1 and negative control group (p>0.05). Following this study, it was concluded that an increase of CD34 levels in wound healing post-gingiva incision of Wistar rats were affected by application of pandan wangi leaves extract gel at concentration 25% and 50%.
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